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Current Classes

Theresa Wilkes, NCBTMB Approved Continuing Education Provider

Theresa is presently teaching workshops throughout the Southeast. Some courses require you sign up through the host venue. Please follow the links for more info.

Theresa Wilkes, NCBTMB Provider # 450891-08, has been training massage therapists since 1996.  She was the Owner/Director of the NC School of Natural Healing and the Education Director at the Finger Lakes School of Massage.  She has had a private practice for 33 years focused in clinical massage for the treatment of chronic pain, injury recovery and pre/post-surgical clients.  Presently, she is the Owner and Head Therapist of Light Hand Clinical Massage in Greenville, SC.  She is passionate and adept at teaching professional therapists to master advanced techniques with presence, skill and sensitivity. She specializes in teaching therapists to refine and strengthen their subtle palpation and assessment skills. Her classes are fun and packed practical information for beginning and advanced practitioners. 

Theresa is presently teaching workshops throughout the Southeast. Some courses require you sign up through the host venue. Please follow the links for more info.

Craniosacral, Level 1

Cranial Sacral Therapy is gaining in recognition and popularity with the general population. This class will give the therapist a clear understanding of the theory and benefits of this cutting-edge therapy and when to apply it. An overview of the anatomical system will be covered. Most importantly, the therapist will learn to palpate and assess the cranial rhythm throughout the body and in the head. The concept of still-point will be explained and demonstrated. Techniques to treat the parietal, frontal and zygoma bones, CV-4 and dural tube will allow the therapist to address simple headaches, sinus issues and back tension and are given on Day 1. These techniques can also be easily integrated into a general wellness massage promoting relaxation and introducing the client to cranial sacral therapy. A review of the initial techniques and a deeper look at the anatomy will start us off on Day 2. Then, techniques to treat the sphenoid, temporal, mandible, occiput and sacrum will be given. A discussion about developing focused listening skills will encourage the therapist to take the practice beyond technique to mastery. The techniques given in this class form a complete treatment protocol.

August 10-11

16 CEs

Urban River Massage Institute, Greenville, SC

Deep Lymph Flushing Massage for Chronic Pain and Illness

Lymphatic massage is a gentle yet profound manual technique that is effective in supporting the immune system, moving inflammation & edema from the tissues. However, traditional MLD was developed by Emil and Estrid Vodder in 1932, before we had chemicalized foods, high stress & sedentary lifestyles, and chronic illness like fibromyalgia and long Covid. These conditions can lead to deep, long held stores of inflammation and stagnation in the tissues of the gut and extremities. This class will cover the anatomy, pathology, and function of the lymph system. It will teach the basic techniques of traditional manual lymph drainage as well as deeper flushing techniques drawn from sports massage techniques and a particular focus on flushing around the abdominal nodes and organs. The student will learn to palpate and identify congested lymph and inflammation as well as the healthy flow of lymph fluid. Students will be given manual techniques for enhancing the movement of lymph in superficial tissues as well as deep in the full body including the abdomen, arms, and legs. This course will not focus on oncology treatments..

August 23-24

16 CEs

NC Massage School, Cornelius, NC

Craniosacral, Level 2

With the classic 10 Step Protocol as a foundation, the therapist will develop a greater mastery of skills and application with more advanced craniosacral techniques for the treatment of headaches, sinus issues, and TMJ dysfunction. These techniques will provide the practitioner with a deep and diverse toolbox for treating these chronic conditions that plague a large part of the population. Additionally, Emotional Release will be explored with the Central Channel practiced as a grounding and sensing technique for the practitioner. The effects of trauma on the body and the cranial system will be discussed. The class is intended to offer beginning CranioSacral therapists a greater sense of comprehension, sensitivity, confidence, and mastery. Graduates will be proud to announce that they practice CranioSacral Therapy!

Aug 26-27

16 CEs

Massage Envy, Wilmington, NC

Psoas, Low Back and Hip Treatment

This class will give the therapist a clear picture of the anatomy of the psoas and the associated muscles in the glutes, hips and low back as well as the palpation skills to access them confidently. He/she will learn to warm and flush the area to reduce inflammation and sensitivity. Then, they will learn a full deep tissue massage routine in the prone, supine and side lying positions with secure draping. We will finish up with stretches and self-care techniques to give clients.

August 30, 2024

8 CEs

NC Massage School, Cornelius, NC

Muscle Melting: Non-Force Deep Tissue Massage

To many people, Deep Tissue Massage means hard, aggressive, painful techniques meant to force the muscle to release tension. This type of work can leave the client with increased pain and the therapist burned out with stressed hands and joints. The latest anatomy research and development of advanced techniques show us the way to work in cooperation with the nervous system, the muscle proprioceptors, and the lymphatic system, engaging the body’s own healing mechanisms in order to release muscle tension and pain more thoroughly, deeply, and gently. This class will teach the therapist to identify and flush inflammation out of the muscles in preparation for deep work. Slow, sinking strokes performed with soft hands and optimal body alignment will calm the nervous system and lower proprioceptive activity. Effective, specific routines of non-force, deep tissue massage for the low back & hips, upper back & rotator cuff, and neck will be demonstrated and practiced.

August 31, 2024

8 CEs

NC Massage School, Cornelius, NC

Energetic Bodywork: a blended approach to massage and energy work

Theresa is an LMBT & Empathic Energy Healer/Teacher of 33 years with a passion for making energy work accessible & meaningful for clients & practitioners alike. She will assist you in experiencing an authentic & powerful energy flow through your body & hands to share with clients using the following skills:
• Balance the chakras through all layers of the energy fields & with the internal organs
• Clear a client’s energy channels with the Chelation Protocol
• Release muscle tension deeply with Directed Energy Muscle Melting
• Dialog with & release a client’s long held tension/trauma
• Develop your Inner Knowing & Inner Sight
• Hold a strong clear Energy Channel
• Work empathically safely & confidently
• Identify & clear negative energies from self & others
• Learn how to blend all of this with your massage
This class is appropriate for accomplished energy workers and as well as novices. Theresa will create a safe space for new experiences and deep exploration. She is highly skilled at facilitating the development of sensitivity to subtle energy.

Sept 13-14, 2024

16 CEs

NC Massage School, Cornelius, NC

Craniosacral, Level 1

Cranial Sacral Therapy is gaining in recognition and popularity with the general population. This class will give the therapist a clear understanding of the theory and benefits of this cutting-edge therapy and when to apply it. An overview of the anatomical system will be covered. Most importantly, the therapist will learn to palpate and assess the cranial rhythm throughout the body and in the head. The concept of still-point will be explained and demonstrated. Techniques to treat the parietal, frontal and zygoma bones, CV-4 and dural tube will allow the therapist to address simple headaches, sinus issues and back tension and are given on Day 1. These techniques can also be easily integrated into a general wellness massage promoting relaxation and introducing the client to cranial sacral therapy. A review of the initial techniques and a deeper look at the anatomy will start us off on Day 2. Then, techniques to treat the sphenoid, temporal, mandible, occiput and sacrum will be given. A discussion about developing focused listening skills will encourage the therapist to take the practice beyond technique to mastery. The techniques given in this class form a complete treatment protocol.

Sept 27-28

16 CEs

The Healing Arts and Massage School, Raleigh, NC

Deep Lymph Flushing Massage for Chronic Pain and Illness

Lymphatic massage is a gentle yet profound manual technique that is effective in supporting the immune system, moving inflammation & edema from the tissues. However, traditional MLD was developed by Emil and Estrid Vodder in 1932, before we had chemicalized foods, high stress & sedentary lifestyles, and chronic illness like fibromyalgia and long Covid. These conditions can lead to deep, long held stores of inflammation and stagnation in the tissues of the gut and extremities. This class will cover the anatomy, pathology, and function of the lymph system. It will teach the basic techniques of traditional manual lymph drainage as well as deeper flushing techniques drawn from sports massage techniques and a particular focus on flushing around the abdominal nodes and organs. The student will learn to palpate and identify congested lymph and inflammation as well as the healthy flow of lymph fluid. Students will be given manual techniques for enhancing the movement of lymph in superficial tissues as well as deep in the full body including the abdomen, arms, and legs. This course will not focus on oncology treatments..

Sept 29-30

16 CEs

The Healing Arts and Massage School, Raleigh, NC

Full List of Classes Offered

Theresa teaches these classes throughout the year. To get on our waiting list, or let her know what classed you'd like specialized training in, please fill in the form below.

Abdominal & Visceral Massage

Abdominal or visceral massage can gently and deeply address many clinical issues in the gut when performed with knowledge and skill. In this short workshop, you will learn to flush inflammation from the abdominal cavity and organs, including a Liver Pump technique. This can improve the health of the organs as well as digestion, constipation, and acid reflux. You will learn to soften tension around the diaphragm for better breathing. We will also address surgical scars (C section, gall bladder, hernia etc.) to reduce the impact on motility. As time allows, we can practice techniques to lift displaced uterus, bladder and colon.

Craniosacral, Level 1

Cranial Sacral Therapy is gaining in recognition and popularity with the general population. This class will give the therapist a clear understanding of the theory and benefits of this cutting-edge therapy and when to apply it. An overview of the anatomical system will be covered. Most importantly, the therapist will learn to palpate and assess the cranial rhythm throughout the body and in the head. The concept of still-point will be explained and demonstrated. Techniques to treat the parietal, frontal and zygoma bones, CV-4 and dural tube will allow the therapist to address simple headaches, sinus issues and back tension and are given on Day 1. These techniques can also be easily integrated into a general wellness massage promoting relaxation and introducing the client to cranial sacral therapy. A review of the initial techniques and a deeper look at the anatomy will start us off on Day 2. Then, techniques to treat the sphenoid, temporal, mandible, occiput and sacrum will be given. A discussion about developing focused listening skills will encourage the therapist to take the practice beyond technique to mastery. The techniques given in this class form a complete treatment protocol.

Craniosacral, Level 2

With the classic 10 Step Protocol as a foundation, the therapist will develop a greater mastery of skills and application with more advanced craniosacral techniques for the treatment of headaches, sinus issues, and TMJ dysfunction. These techniques will provide the practitioner with a deep and diverse toolbox for treating these chronic conditions that plague a large part of the population. Additionally, Emotional Release will be explored with the Central Channel practiced as a grounding and sensing technique for the practitioner. The effects of trauma on the body and the cranial system will be discussed. The class is intended to offer beginning CranioSacral therapists a greater sense of comprehension, sensitivity, confidence, and mastery. Graduates will be proud to announce that they practice CranioSacral Therapy!

Energetic Bodywork: a blended approach to massage and energy work

Theresa is an LMBT & Empathic Energy Healer/Teacher of 33 years with a passion for making energy work accessible & meaningful for clients & practitioners alike. She will assist you in experiencing an authentic & powerful energy flow through your body & hands to share with clients using the following skills:
• Balance the chakras through all layers of the energy fields & with the internal organs
• Clear a client’s energy channels with the Chelation Protocol
• Release muscle tension deeply with Directed Energy Muscle Melting
• Dialog with & release a client’s long held tension/trauma
• Develop your Inner Knowing & Inner Sight
• Hold a strong clear Energy Channel
• Work empathically safely & confidently
• Identify & clear negative energies from self & others
• Learn how to blend all of this with your massage
This class is appropriate for accomplished energy workers and as well as novices. Theresa will create a safe space for new experiences and deep exploration. She is highly skilled at facilitating the development of sensitivity to subtle energy.

Muscle Melting: Non-Force Deep Tissue Massage

To many people, Deep Tissue Massage means hard, aggressive, painful techniques meant to force the muscle to release tension. This type of work can leave the client with increased pain and the therapist burned out with stressed hands and joints. The latest anatomy research and development of advanced techniques show us the way to work in cooperation with the nervous system, the muscle proprioceptors, and the lymphatic system, engaging the body’s own healing mechanisms in order to release muscle tension and pain more thoroughly, deeply, and gently. This class will teach the therapist to identify and flush inflammation out of the muscles in preparation for deep work. Slow, sinking strokes performed with soft hands and optimal body alignment will calm the nervous system and lower proprioceptive activity. Effective, specific routines of non-force, deep tissue massage for the low back & hips, upper back & rotator cuff, and neck will be demonstrated and practiced.

Neck and Shoulder Treatment

Every professional bodyworker should have the expertise, sensitivity and skills to safely and efficiently address chronic neck pain as well as neck strain syndromes. Equally as important is technical ability to treat tension and injuries in the rotator cuff muscles. This course will train the therapist in non-force deep tissue techniques and trigger point release for the anterior, medial and posterior neck muscles as well as all four SITS muscles and the associated muscles of the upper back, arm, and chest. Lymphatic flushing techniques will be demonstrated to relieve inflammation in the tissues. Stretching and breathing exercises will be given for client self-care.

Psoas, Low Back & Hip Treatment using Non-Force Deep Tissue Massage

This class will give the therapist a clear picture of the anatomy of the psoas and the associated muscles in the glutes, hips and low back as well as the palpation skills to access them confidently. He/she will learn to warm and flush the area to reduce inflammation and sensitivity. Then, they will learn a full deep tissue massage routine in the prone, supine and side lying positions with secure draping. We will finish up with stretches and self-care techniques to give clients.

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